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    Calming Strategies for Emotional Regulation Flashcards - Calm Down Visuals

    These easy to use printable flashcards focus on calming strategies for emotional regulation and can be used on a daily basis in the classroom. Each of these calm down visuals encourages the use of positive strategies to assist children to self regulate. These cards can be placed in the calm corner of your classroom, in their very own storage box for students to access when needed.


    ✪ What’s included in this set of Printable Flashcards - Calming Strategies for Emotional Regulation:

    1 x Teacher Guide

    40 x Flashcards featuring calm down strategies with accompanying visuals

    1 x Box Template to hold the flashcards


    ✪ How to best use these Calming Strategies for Emotional Regulation Flashcards:

    • These cards can be printed back to back with the “Handy Tips” backing or just on their own with no backing.
    • Discuss the different strategies with the students so they understand what they all mean and different situations when they can be used.
    • Explain where they will be stored for the children to access or place some cards on the students’ desks for them to use throughout the day.

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      All our resources are either image files (.jpg), PDF files, or publisher documents.

      So adobe PDF reader, and pusblisher will be requred.

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      All our digital resources are emailed directly to your inbox within 30 minutes of your purchase.

      The majority of files are .PDF files, but to get the full use from our editable resources you will also need to be able to access Publisherand PowerPointdocuments.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 2 reviews

      Useful strategies in a cute package that my students love looking through.

      Chasely Paech
      My teacher pet creature

      My prep students use our teacher pet creature 'penny' to help them calm down. She gets many cuddles through out the day. She also sends the kids photos throughout the holidays