Daily Feelings & Emotions Check In Chart - Mindfulness Printable & Powerpoint

This Daily Feelings and Emotions Check In Chart helps promote mindfulness within your students and classroom. This resource features thirty different sheets to encourage children to think positively about the day ahead. Three versions of the feelings and emotions check in chart are provided - an individual version (printable) and two group versions (both printable and PowerPoint slide editions).


Each sheet includes a positive affirmation, a kindness challenge, the gratitude corner, a mindful moment and a calming activity. These can be completed each day or just once a week. The group version can be displayed on your smartboard and completed as a whole class.


✪ What’s included in this set of Daily Feelings and Emotions Check In Charts for Mindfulness:

1 x Teacher Guide

1 x Daily Check In Individual - 30 printable pages

1 x Daily Check In Group - 30 printable pages

1 x Daily Check In Group - 30 PowerPoint slides


✪ How to best use these Daily Feelings and Emotions Check In Charts:

  • Provide each child with one activity sheet to place on their table.
  • These should ideally be provided in the morning for the children to complete when they arrive to class.
  • Each child can either circle or colour the emotion they are feeling at the top of the page.
  • Each child can then complete their sheet as needed throughout the day.
  • They are encouraged to complete their “kindness challenge” during the day and the “gratitude corner” at the end of the day to reflect on how their day went.
  • If needed, the children can use the “mindful moment” or “calming activity” during the day too.
  • These sheets can be collected at the end of each day to reflect/further support each child.
  • The group version can be completed using the smartboard as a whole group in the mornings.


✪ Here’s what other educators are saying about this resource:



This is very cute! I love it, my students love it and so do their parents. Thank you :) 

-Jess W.

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